Choice Experiment

Ex-ante demand assessment and willingness to pay for human excreta derived co-compost: Empirical evidence from rural South Africa

The current study hypothesizes that improving the desirable attributes of compost to the market through pelletization, fortification, packaging (with labelling), and certification of co-compost could enhance the market demand for co-compost in South Africa.

Policies to reduce local participation in illegal hunting: The case of Kafue National Park in Zambia

We used a choice experiment to evaluate the preference of farmers for alternatives to poaching to guide conservation management actions

Sustainable Intensification - Laos

Using Choice Experiment and Best Worst Scaling to identify farmers' preferences

Identify Lao farmers' goals and their ranking using best–worst scaling experiment and scale‐adjusted latent class models

We developed a best–worst scaling (BWS) experiment, in which farmers have to declare the “most” and the least “important” goals they use when making decisions. We first derive a ranking of the goals according to the population average, which showed the importance of rice self-sufficiency and transmission of farm capital. We then use a scale-adjusted latent class analysis. We identified four groups of homogenous preferences among farmers.

Urban Food Systems Resilience Under Climate Change Conditions - Algeria - Kenya - South Africa

Using contingent behavior to anticipate farmers adaptation to climate change

Value of the Wetland Ecosystems in Eswatini (former Swaziland)

Non-market valuation of wetland ecosystem services associate with the Hawane Wetland areas in Western Eswatini.

RAIZ - Zimbabwe

Using choice experiment and DCE to tailor technologies to farmer's needs

Farmers' preference for cropping systems and the development of sustainable intensification: a choice experiment approach

We used discrete choice experiments to explore the potential adoption or alternative agricultural systems. We analyse the heterogeneity of farmers’ preferences and willingness to pay for different cropping system attributes using a mixed logit model, and we discuss the possible drivers and barriers to the adoption of these more sustainable options.

Choice Modeling and Experimental Economics (2019 edition)

A PhD level course introducing Choice Modelling and Experimental Economics